Amplify your expertise

Build custom machine learning analysis tools for your scientific workflow

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Bio-IT World Names Tympana 'Best of Show'

Tympana was selected based on its ability to deliver superior innovation, return on investment, and value to the life sciences community.
Best in show Bio IT World

Unlock the value in your data faster

  • Highly Specialized Data

    Your data is first class information and should be treated as such. Whether it is structured, unstructured or semi-structured. From biological sequences to sensor data, to audio files -- your data is important.

  • Your Expertise

    You are the expert. You have years of experience looking at your data and knowing what it means. You need a tool that scales your time and expertise.

  • No Code Necessary

    Tympana is designed to put scientists and engineers in the driver's seat. There is no need to learn the complex language of machine learning. The simple user interface allows you to intuitively teach the model about what is important in your data and review predictions. With each iteration, your model improves based on your expertise.

  • Too Much Data?

    Utilizing Active Learning, Tympana selectively samples the data for your review. Using this approach you can focus your attention on the most informative data instances that will improve your models.

  • Too Little Data?

    Your experiments may be too complex to run in high volume or your data too sparse to work with. Using generative AI, Tympana creates synthetic datapoints that exercise your expertise, without needing to actually collect new data.

  • Too Little Time?

    Tympana learns from your guidance, and demonstrates its predictions to you, building confidence in the model that was constructed while helping you reduce your time.

About Us

DataCicada was founded to transform noisy data into meaningful results. Our passion is helping engineers and scientists translate their deep domain expertise into actionable results and products. Founded in 2020, DataCicada has supported over 50 clients through consulting and custom client software projects. Our clients are pharmaceutical & diagnostic companies, industrial manufacturers, research foundations, marketing agencies, and internet of things manufacturers.

The most important things to know

Tympana enables scientists and engineers to scale their research and development using machine learning. Users teach a model what they are interested in simply by reviewing intelligently selected example data instances and providing domain expertise. The model learns from these examples and provides its best predictions back along with its reasoning. When the user is satisfied, the trained model is exported for integration into analytical workflows allowing the user to scale their expertise.

Choose your pricing plan

We want to make pricing as easy to understand as possible. Each subscription plan is based on a defined predictive model outcome. Want to build and deploy an additional predictive model? Contact us to find out how to save by bundling more than one.
+2 free monthsEmoji Gift PNG

Non Commercial





Tympana Platform
Preprocessing/Data Engineering
✓ Image, Sensor
✓ Image, Sensor
✓ Custom Data Type
Individual File Size
✓ 5 MB
✓ 10 MB
✓ > 10 MB
✓ Image, Sensor, Biological
✓ Image, Sensor, Biological
✓ Custom Annotation Type
Automated Annotations
✓ Image, Sensor, Biological
✓ Image, Sensor, Biological
✓ Custom Annotation Type
Model Iterations per Month
✓ 1
✓ 5
✓ > 5
Monthly Inferences/Predictions
✓ 10,000
✓ 25,000
✓ > 25,000
Explainable AI
Generative Data/Synthetic Data
Custom Support
ML/Data Science Consulting
Edge Deployment Support

Non Commercial

Tympana Platform
Preprocessing/Data Engineering
✓ Image, Sensor
Individual File Size
✓ 5 MB
✓ Image, Sensor, Biological
Automated Annotations
✓ Image, Sensor, Biological
Model Iterations per Month
✓ 1
Monthly Inferences/Predictions
✓ 10,000
Explainable AI
Generative Data/Synthetic Data
Custom Support
ML/Data Science Consulting
Edge Deployment Support


Tympana Platform
Preprocessing/Data Engineering
✓ Image, Sensor
Individual File Size
✓ 10 MB
✓ Image, Sensor, Biological
Automated Annotations
✓ Image, Sensor, Biological
Model Iterations per Month
✓ 5
Monthly Inferences/Predictions
✓ 25,000
Explainable AI
Generative Data/Synthetic Data
Custom Support
ML/Data Science Consulting
Edge Deployment Support


Tympana Platform
Preprocessing/Data Engineering
✓ Custom Data Type
Individual File Size
✓ > 10 MB
✓ Custom Annotation Type
Automated Annotations
✓ Custom Annotation Type
Model Iterations per Month
✓ > 5
Monthly Inferences/Predictions
✓ > 25,000
Explainable AI
Generative Data/Synthetic Data
Custom Support
ML/Data Science Consulting
Edge Deployment Support

Support Provided By

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